Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

"SAVE THE DATE! The Jr. High Youth will be having a Movie Night in the Church Auditorium on Friday, March 20th. Watch for more details to follow."
Posted by Salem Junior High Youth Group at 11:20 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 8, 2008

Bethlehem Experience
This Christmas,the JunioR & Senior High Youth ofSalem Lutheran Church & Schoolinvite you on a very personal journey:The Bethlehem ExperienceContinual 20-minute tours offered:Saturday, December 13, 20086:00 - 8:00 p.m.Sunday, December 14, 200812:30 - 2:30 p.m.Salem Lutheran School Gymnasium5025 Lakewood Avenue - AfftonA freewill offering will be collected to support the Youth.For more information, contact Salem Lutheran Church at 352-4454.
Posted by Salem Junior High Youth Group at 2:16 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Dress Rehearsals & Set/up-Tear/down
1st dress rehearsal is Sunday December 7th from 2-3:30. If you don't have a costume, please come no later than 1:45 to get fitted.
2nd dress rehearsal is Friday, December 12th @ 6pm We will rehearse about an hour and then begin cleaning the gym and Youth Room. Our goal is to get the mat laid out and to lay out the walls and other pieces. Parents are encouraged to help! We should begin cleanup around 7pm and won't quite until we've met our goal (which could be 9pm or later, depending on how much help we have)
Participants should wear clothing suitable for under their costume - light colored, short sleeve shirts and light colored shorts with brown sandals or similar shoes. NO jewelry, NO makeup, NO piercing, NO nail polish, NO metal hair clips, NO tennis shoes. Roman soldiers should wear a white t-shirt with shorts and sandals.
PLEASE BE ON TIME to rehearsal. It makes it very difficult to practice when we don't have everyone there, and that's not fair to your fellow actors (or to the adults waiting on you).
As explained above, we will begin set up on Friday, December 12th at 7pm. all participants are required to help! We will clean the gym and Youth Room, lay down the mat, and lay out all the pieces to the walls, buildings, booths, etc. Parents are also encouraged to help this night. The more people we have, the sooner we can all go home.
Set up will continue on Saturday, December 13th @ 10am and continue until finished (late afternoon) Lunch will be provided, but please bring your own drinks.
Tear-down will begin on Sunday December 14th @ 2:30 (or whenever the last tour completes)
WE NEED A LOT OF HELP WITH SET-UP AND TEAR-DOWN. Participants and parents are asked to work at least one of the Saturday or Sunday work days. If you can spare a few hours on each day, that would be a tremendous help. (Remember, Friday is mandatory for the participants.) There are plenty of jobs for people of all ages and abilities, so bring your friends, siblings, etc.
If you have a power drill (with screwdriver bit) staple gun, or ladder, please bring any and all. Also, for those of you not fortunate to have done this before, wear grungy clothes 'cause you will get dirty (or should I say "burlapped"?)
Saturday, December 13th from 6-8pm. Participants must be there no later than 4:30.
Sunday, December 14th from 12:30 to 2:30pm. Participants must be there no later than 11:30. A light lunch will be provided. (For those singing in the 11:00 service, please ask Mr Wittmayer to dismiss you as soon as you have finished singing. He has already offered to do so, but you have to let him know that you need to leave.)
Mary Wolfram will be coordinating our refreshments in the Youth Room during the Experience on December 13 &14. Each participant (grades 6-12) is being asked to bring 2 dozen cookies each for this purpose. All others make also bring cookies if they choose. Cookies need to be in the Youth Room no later than Saturday, December 13th at 5pm. and should be marked "Bethlehem"
Thank yo for your time and commitment to the Bethlehem Experience. This is such a wonderful ministry, and it couldn't be done without you!
Posted by Salem Junior High Youth Group at 11:07 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 1, 2008

A fun way to help the Rideouts!
The Junior High Youth will be sponsoring babysitting during the Men's Club Trivia Night to be held on January 17th, with any donations to be given to the Rideout Family. we are looking for adults who want to help out but are note interested in participating in the trivia contest. we are also encouraging ALL 7th and 8th grade students to volunteer their time to this worthy cause. If you can help, please contact Deaconess Ruth McDonnell at ruth.mcdonnell@att.net or 894-5552
Posted by Salem Junior High Youth Group at 11:00 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 17, 2008

Community Leaf Raking an unusual experience!
A good group turned out for the community leaf raking. It turned out to be a strange experience though. The group was only able to rake yards for 2 houses in the community. The response of those residents that was asked if they wanted their leaves rakes was that didn't want strangers in their yard. Even to rake their leaves for free! The group did some raking around the church and school though and it is appreciated by all! Way to go Youth Group!
Posted by Salem Junior High Youth Group at 1:28 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 6, 2008

Up Coming Events
Ishould be able to get more details about where to meet and times soon so keep an eye out!November - community Leaf raking scheduled for Saturday Nov 15th 9am-noon
Bethlehem Experience Performances will be Dec 13 & 14
Bethlehem Experience rehersals will be every Sunday till set up is scheduled for Friday Dec 12
Babysitting - scheduled for Saturday, Dec 20th 2-6pm
Babysitting for the Men's club Trivia night - scheduled for Jan 17
Sausage Supper - usually around the 27 or 28th
Posted by Salem Junior High Youth Group at 11:57 PM 0 comments

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